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Deleting Assets


There are various reasons you might want to delete assets from your Asset Library’s storage. Perhaps you need to remove outdated or irrelevant assets, organize your assets more efficiently, or simply free up space for new assets. In this article, we will walk you through the process of deleting assets from your Asset Library, ensuring you can manage your digital fabric assets with ease and precision.

How to Delete Assets in the Asset Library

  1. Go to the Asset Library.
  2. Select the assets you want to delete by checking the checkboxes in the asset.
    You can delete multiple assets in one deletion process, including assets on different pages.
    For example, if you want to delete all assets from the 1st page and only 3 assets from the 2nd page in the Asset Library:
  3. On the first page, simply click the [ALL] button. Note that clicking the [ALL] button will select all assets on the current page, which consists of a maximum of 40 assets.
  4. Then, navigate to the second page by clicking 2, and check the checkboxes in the assets you want to delete.
    You can review the selected assets; you should now have 43 assets selected.
  5. After you finish selecting, make sure you have correctly chosen the assets you want to delete. Once you click the Delete button, you cannot undo or recover these deleted assets. 
  6. Click the [Delete] button, and then click [Confirm] to complete the deletion process.


Deleting assets from your Asset Library is a straightforward process that helps you manage your digital assets efficiently. By following the steps outlined, you can free up space, remove outdated items, and keep your library organized.  It is crucial to verify and double-check your selections before confirming the deletion, as this action is permanent.