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Accessing and Copying a Shared Collection


Sharing digital asset collections has become a common practice among suppliers, brands, and designers, making it easier to collaborate and access valuable resources. If you've received a shared collection and wish to copy it for your own use, this guide will walk you through the process. By following these steps, you'll be able to copy the collection and use the 3D files, then integrate them into your design efficiently.


💡Tip: Ensure you have obtained [All Allow] access permissions from the individuals sharing the collection with you.

How to Access and Copy the Shared Collection

  1. You will receive a notification when you receive a shared collection. Then, you can click on the [View it now!] to directly go to the shared collection.
  2. Or, go to the [Workspace] and navigate to [Shared With Me] tab.
  3. In the Shared With Me tab, you will see all the collections that have been shared with you from your suppliers, brands, designers, and other colleagues.
  4. You can directly download the 3D files by clicking the asset of your interested, then, select between U3M, U3MA, or glTF, depending on your software compatibility.
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  5. Additionally, if you wish to copy the collection to your Workspace, click on the three dots at the bottom right of the collection, then select [Copy to].
  6. Next, enter your organization name under the Choose Location.
  7. Additionally, you can check the checkboxes for [Additional Info] to copy the additional information of the digital fabrics collection, and [3D Material] to copy the 3D asset files, which allows you to download the 3D files including glTF, U3M, and U3MA.
  8. Click the [Copy] button to finish, then wait 3-5 minutes until the collection is copied to your Workspace.


Accessing and copying shared collections is a straightforward process that enhances your ability to collaborate and utilize shared resources effectively. By following these steps, you can ensure that you have the necessary files for your projects, neatly organized and ready for use.