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Configuring Your Management Module


Welcome to another part of the Frontier.cool onboarding series. This knowledge base video and article focuses on how to effectively configure the Management Module within your organization's Frontier platform. Understanding this module is key to managing your organization's details, members, and history.


Overview of the Management Module

The Management Module in Frontier.cool is designed to streamline organizational management. It is divided into three main sections:

1. About Section

  • Purpose: This section is dedicated to managing the core information about your organization.
  • Features:
    • Edit Organization Information: Update details like the organization's name and description.
    • Organization Color Code: Customize your organization's theme by setting a specific color code.
    • Country/Region: Specify or update the country or region of your organization.
    • Contact Information: Add or edit phone and fax numbers.
    • Organization Type: Define or change the type of your organization (e.g., Brand, Supplier, Designer).
    • Address: Update the physical address of your organization.

2. Members Section

  • Functionality: This area allows you to manage the individuals who have access to your organization on Frontier.cool.
  • Capabilities:
    • Invite Members: Send invitations to new members to join your organization.
    • Remove Members: Remove existing members from the organization as needed.

3. History Section

  • Purpose: Provides a high-level overview of significant events and activities within the organization.
  • Usefulness: It's an excellent tool for tracking changes and developments over time.

Additional Features

  • Creating Groups: The Management Module also allows you to create groups within your organization. These can represent different brands or sub-brands under your organization's umbrella.
  • Inviting Members: Beyond individual management, you can also invite new members to your organization, enhancing collaboration and delegation.

Conclusion and Support

Configuring your Management Module is a crucial step in customizing and controlling your organization's presence and operations on Frontier.cool. This guide should have provided you with a clear understanding of the module's capabilities and how to utilize them effectively.

For any further questions, comments, or concerns, our support team is ready to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us at support@frontier.cool.

Stay tuned for more informative guides in our Frontier.cool onboarding series to enhance your experience on the platform.