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How to Add Meeting Minutes in FabriSelect™


Meeting minutes are an essential tool for keeping track of important discussions, decisions, and next steps from your client interactions. By documenting key details, you can ensure nothing gets overlooked and make follow-ups more efficient. FabriSelect™ simplifies the process of creating and managing meeting minutes, helping you stay organized and better serve your clients.


How to Create Meeting Minutes

Follow these steps to create meeting minutes using FabriSelect:

  1. Log in to FabriSelect™. Next, click on the [Workspace] in the top-right corner of the screen, then select the collection you created earlier. (If you need assistance on how to create a collection, please refer to the instructions in this article).

  2. Click [Add Meeting Minutes] and fill in the meeting details. The first page captures post-meeting information, and the second page includes a quotation you can later share with clients.
  3. Click Save to finalize the meeting minutes. Your meeting data is now securely stored and accessible.
    To share the meeting minutes and quotation with a client, please refer to this article.



FabriSelect™ empowers product development teams by collecting data on fabric selections during sales meetings, providing valuable insights into client preferences. By streamlining the meeting documentation process, FabriSelect™ helps inform future fabric collections and product lines, making follow-ups more effective and improving overall efficiency.